Countdown to
Hari Raya is on! Order your
fav Hari Raya
snacks today :)
If you have a request, inquiry, or you want to send in your feedback, use any of the contact details here. You can use your Phone, Whatsapp Chat or Whatsapp Call
   Your order      Shopee

Feel an irresistable Eureka Snacks craving coming up? Use below contact details.

Pt. Alberta Makmur Sejahtera
Jalan Pantai Indah Selatan,
GA no. 9, Pantai Indah Kapuk,
Penjaringan, 14460.
Telefon: 0878 8513 3336,

Alternatively, just make a beeline to any of the locations below.

Urban Farm
Golf Island,
Urban Farm,
Jl. Boulevard Raya,
Kamal Muara,
Jakarta Utara 14460.
Telefon: 877-6699-9937

Plaza Senayan
Jl. Asian Afrika,
No.8. Mall Plaza Senayan,
Food Hall Lt. B1A Jakarta Pusat 10270.
Telefon: 878-7202-1414

Living World Pekanbaru
UNIT G-IC-03A Ground Floor,
Mall Living World Jl. Soekarno – Hatta,
Tengkerang Barat,
Kec. Marpoyan Damai,
Kota Pekanbaru,
Riau 28292.
Telefon: 811-7696-636

Atlas Beach Fest Street Market
Unit No. B7 Jl. Pantai Berawa no.88 Tibubeneng.,
Kuta Utara,
Bali 80361.
Telefon: 878-8513-3337

Grand Indonesia
Jl. M.H Thamrin No.1,
West Mall Grand Indonesia,
3A Fountain Atrium Arjuna. Jakarta Pusat 10310.
Telefon: 877-6699-9936

And off course there's always the easy way to get your Eureka Snacks fix: shop online :)

Hari Raya? Best order your Hari Raya snacks now